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Online class 1, These are joint decisions between the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Religion, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Domestic Affairs regarding guidelines for organizing learning in the school year and the new academic year during the corona virus disease (covid-19) pandemic. The principles of educational policy during the Covid-19 pandemic health and safety of students, educators, education personnel, families and the community are the main priorities in establishing learning policies for Early Childhood Education, Elementary and Secondary Education and Higher Education. While for religious education will be explained separately by the Ministry of Religion. Learning patterns of early childhood education, primary education and secondary education in the school year 2020/2021 namely, a number of schools are allowed to conduct face-to-face learning, for regions whose status is still green; whereas for areas with the status of yellow, orange and red continue to learn from home.

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“The principle of the issuance of educational policy during the Covid-19 pandemic period is to prioritize the health and safety of students, educators, education personnel, families and the community,” said Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Makarim in a written statement, Monday (6/15/ 2020).

According to the Minister, the number of students up to June 15, 2020, there were 94 percent of students in the yellow, orange and red zones in 429 districts / cities so they had to keep Learning from Home. The students who are currently in the green zone are only around 6 percent. Nadiem emphasized that the decision-making process for the start of face-to-face learning for education units in districts / cities in the green zone was carried out very strictly with multi-layered requirements.

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The existence of education units in the green zone is the first and foremost requirement that must be met for education units that will conduct face-to-face learning. The second requirement is if the regional government or the regional office / Ministry of Religion gives permission. The third requirement, if the education unit has fulfilled all checklists and ready to conduct face-to-face learning. The last requirement, if parents / guardians of students have approved of their son / daughter to do face-to-face learning at schools or education units.

“If one of the four conditions is not met, students continue to learn from home fully,” said the Minister.

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Nadiem also invited all parties including all regional heads, heads of education units, parents, teachers and the community to work together to prepare for learning in the new school year and academic year.

“By the spirit of mutual cooperation on all fronts, I am sure we will be able to overcome all the challenges,” said the Minister.

Beyond the restrictions that apply in the yellow, orange, and red zones, the stages of face-to-face learning of education units in the green zone are carried out based on consideration of the ability of students in implementing health protocols.

Thus, the first order permitted face-to-face learning is higher education and equivalent, the second stage is secondary education and equivalent, then the third stage is primary education and equivalent.